This Saturday is the epic Minotaur Skyrace presented by Arc’teryx, the eigth race of the 2024 Merrell Skyrunner® World Series and one of the most technical races in the circuit. The race is hosted in the town of Crowsnest Pass, Canada, and as far as skyrunning locations go, the rough and wild Canadian Rockies are up there with the best. Sounds intimidating right? Don’t worry, we caught up with 2-time finisher and 2022 winner Emma Cook-Clarke to get her top tips on how to conquer the beast that is Minotaur Skyrace.

First things first… the stats!

Distance: 33 kilometers

Elevation gain: 2,900 meters

Aid stations: 3

Cutoff time: 12 hours

Climbs: 3 significant climbs!

Descents: 4, including the legendary “Shoe Shredder”

Minotaur Skyrace profile

Who’s Emma?

Emma Cook-Clarke is a professional Canadian Arc’teryx athlete and full time firewoman! Yup, she’s one tough cookie. Emma’s achievements include 2022 Minotaur champion, 2023 Madeira Skyrace champion and many many more. She’s completed Minotaur Skyrace twice already so if there is one person who knows how to get around the course, it’s her. Here’s what she had to say about the route:

The race has three big and gruelling climbs, through incredibly scenic terrain. Three climbs means three equally mega descents, followed by rolling terrain into the finish line. The course is a brilliant showcase of the Canadian Rockies!

Why makes her keep coming back?

“I keep coming back because it’s a superb course, but more importantly, because of the amazing people who put the race on and all those who participate and share the experience.”

Emma’s favourite part of the route?

“My favourite part of the course is when up high! Make sure to look around.”

Three pieces of advice?

“Pace yourself, things don’t feel fresh near the end!

Eat and drink all you can, taking note of the distance between aid stations.

Chat with those around you on course (if you have any spare breath) as the connections out there are beyond special.”

Thanks Emma! See you all this Saturday at 07:00 am local time for some amazing skyrunning on the ridges of the Canadian Rockies.


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